
The following is a walk-through of the important concepts in the access control system.

Users & roles

First we have subjects which can be granted access to a protected resource.

  • User: Represents an authenticated account in the system.
  • Role: Represents a job function. Roles are created by e.g. system administrators and defined by a name. Users can be assigned zero or more roles.
  • System role: Represents special roles that are created and defined by the system and automatically assigned to users (i.e. system roles cannot be created and defined by system administrators).

Permissions and needs

Second, we have two entities to describe access control:

  • Need: A need represents the smallest level of access control. It is very generic and can express statements such as “has admin role” and “has read access to record 42”.
  • Permission: Represents a set of required needs, any of which should be fulfilled to access a resouce. E.g. a permission can combine the two statements above into “has admin role or has read access to record 42”.

The concept of a need can be somewhat hard to grasp at first, so let’s dive in to describe how a need is used. Essentially needs are used to express a) what a permission require and b) what a user provides, i.e.:

  • A permission requires a set of needs.
  • A user provides a set of needs.

Thus, checking if a user can access a resource protected by a permission amounts to checking for a non-empty intersection between the above sets.

Types of needs

Needs can have different types. For instance the statement “has admin role” can be expressed as a role need type with the argument admin. This means that a permission can require the admin role need and that a user can provide the admin role need. Some basic need types include:


Action need are a special type of need that represents actions (surprise!). Action needs can have zero or more parameters. For instance the statement “has read access to record 42” can be decomposed into read record action need with the parameter 42.

Action needs has the advantage that they do not tie a permission to a specific role/user name and are much easier to compose and re-use.

Protecting resources

In order to protect a resource, you will usually create a new permission which will require one or more action needs. This new permission and the action needs are usually expressed explicitly in the source code. In particular note that Invenio usually always protects resources via action needs instead of user and role needs.

Granting access

Subjects (users, roles and system roles) are assigned actions. E.g. a user or a role can be assigned the action “read record”. If the action has parameters, then it can be assigned to the subject for any parameters or for a specific parameter (e.g. read any record vs read record 42).


The last entity to cover is an identity. During request handling any user (authenticated or unauthenticated) is represented as an identity. The identity is used to express the set of needs that the current user provides. It is solely an abstraction layer on top of users and roles such that we do not have to care if actions are assigned directly to a user or indirectly to a user via a role.