
Role-based access control for Invenio.

Invenio-Access works together with Invenio-Accounts to provide a full-fledge authentication and authorization system for Flask and Invenio based on a suite of existing Flask extensions such as:

  • Flask-Security
  • Flask-Login
  • Flask-Principal
  • passlib

Make sure you check out Overview to have a basic understanding of the entities in the access control system. This part of the usage documentation is focused on the programmatic APIs and are intended for developers.


Create a Flask application:

>>> import os
>>> db_url = os.environ.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI', 'sqlite://')
>>> from flask import Flask
>>> app = Flask('myapp')
>>> app.config.update({
...     'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI': db_url,
... })

Initialize Invenio-Access dependencies, which are Invenio-DB and Invenio-Accounts, and then Invenio-Access itself:

>>> from invenio_db import InvenioDB
>>> from invenio_accounts import InvenioAccounts
>>> from invenio_access import InvenioAccess
>>> ext_db = InvenioDB(app)
>>> ext_accounts = InvenioAccounts(app)
>>> ext_access = InvenioAccess(app)

The following examples needs to run in a Flask application context, so let’s push one:

>>> app.app_context().push()

Also, for the examples to work we need to create the database and tables (note, in this example we use an in-memory SQLite database by default):

>>> from invenio_db import db
>>> db.create_all()

Demo data

Let’s also create two initial users and a role:

>>> from invenio_accounts.models import User, Role
>>> alice = User(email='')
>>> bob = User(email='')
>>> admin = Role(name='admin')

Now, assign Alice to the admin role:

>>> admin.users.append(alice)

Last, persist the changees to the database:

>>> db.session.add_all([alice, bob, admin])
>>> db.session.commit()

Protecting resources

The basics of protecting a resource involves:

  1. Defining one or more actions.
  2. Create a permission that requires one or more actions.
  3. Check if a permission allows a given identity (i.e. the identity provides one more of the required actions).

1. Define an action

First, let’s start with defining an action (e.g. view an index page in our module) using the action creation factory:

>>> from invenio_access import action_factory
>>> view_index_action = action_factory('mymodule-index-view')

2. Create a permission

Next, we create a permission that requires the just created action:

>>> from invenio_access import Permission
>>> permission = Permission(view_index_action)

3. Check permission

In order to check the permission we first need an identity, so let’s start out with an anonymous identity (this happens transparently in the background when a user login):

>>> from flask_principal import AnonymousIdentity
>>> anonymous = AnonymousIdentity()

Next, we can check if the permission allows the given identity (we will see in detail below how to use permissions in a view):

>>> permission.allows(anonymous)

Granting access

Checking if the anonymous identity is granted access by a permission is often not too interesting, so let’s grant our admin role access to our action:

>>> from invenio_access.models import ActionRoles, ActionUsers
>>> db.session.add(ActionRoles.allow(view_index_action, role=admin))
>>> db.session.commit()

Next, we need identity instances for our two users (normally you will not have to worry about this when checking permissions in a view as it is handled transparently by Flask-Security):

>>> from invenio_access.utils import get_identity
>>> alice_identity = get_identity(alice)
>>> bob_identity = get_identity(bob)

Now that we have the identities, we can check if the permission grants access to the identities:

>>> permission.allows(alice_identity)
>>> permission.allows(bob_identity)

Notice, that we granted access to Alice by assigning her the role admin and granting the role permission on the action.

The Flask-Principal API is pretty rich, and there are multiple other ways that you can check if a permission grants access to an identity. For instance below is another example, but please explore the Flask-Principal API documentation for a full reference:

>>> bob_identity.can(permission)

Action parameters

Above we created an action that did not take any parameters. These actions are useful to grant/restrict access to e.g. an entire adminstration interface. However, in many cases you need object level permissions, in which case you need to use actions with parameters.

Action with parameters are also created with the action_factory(), but works a bit different as they take a parameter.

First you create the new action with parameter:

>>> ObjectReadAction = action_factory(
...     'mymodule-object-read', parameter=True)

Everytime you create the action, you also need to create an instance of the action representing any parameter as done like below:

>>> object_read_action_all = ObjectReadAction(None)

Granting access to actions with parameters

You grant access to actions with parameters in a similar way as for normal actions, but you can now grant access to either all objects:

>>> db.session.add(ActionRoles.allow(
...     object_read_action_all, role=admin))

Or you can grant access to a specific object like this:

>>> db.session.add(ActionUsers.allow(ObjectReadAction(42), user=bob))
>>> db.session.commit()

Checking permissions for a specific object

Similar you also create a permission that checks access to a specific object:

>>> permission = Permission(ObjectReadAction(42))
>>> permission.allows(bob_identity)
>>> permission.allows(alice_identity)

Denying access

Besides granting access, you can also deny access to specific users or roles. Below for instance we deny access to Alice on the view_index_action.

>>> from invenio_access.models import ActionUsers
>>> db.session.add(ActionUsers.deny(view_index_action, user=alice))
>>> db.session.commit()

When we now check the permission, Alice no longer has access:

>>> permission = Permission(view_index_action)
>>> permission.allows(alice_identity)

Deny takes precedence over allow

Note, that the deny grant takes precedence over allow grant. Alice was earlier granted access to the action via her role assignment, however since the deny grant takes precedence Alice is ultimately denied access.

This is useful if you for instance want to grant access to all objects except one.

Protecting views

The most common use for permissions is to protect a view. For actions without parameters you can simply use a decorator for the view:

>>> index_permission = Permission(view_index_action)
>>> @app.route('/')
... @index_permission.require(http_exception=403)
... def index():
...     return 'Protected index page'

Permission factories

In most situations, you however have to deal with object level permissions, and thus you will have to create the permission on-the-fly via a factory method. A simple permission factory can look like the one below:

>>> def permission_factory(obj):
...     return Permission(ObjectReadAction(obj['id']))

The factory function simply takes your object and returns a permission for the specific action. This unfortunately also means that you usually cannot use the decorator option shown above. Instead you usually have to first fetch your object from e.g. the database, and then run the permission check:

>>> @app.route('/objects/<int:object_id>')
... def object_view(object_id):
...     with permission_factory({'id': object_id}).require(http_exception=404):
...         return 'Protected index page'


Invenio source code almost exclusively use the permission factory approach for protecting views. In addition usually the permission factory is configurable so that Invenio instances can fully override the internal permission handling.

Security considerations

We can now test the two views via the built-in Flask test client, and see that anonymous requests are denied in both cases:

>>> with app.test_client() as c:
...     c.get('/')
<Response streamed [403 FORBIDDEN]>
>>> with app.test_client() as c:
...     c.get('/objects/42')
<Response streamed [404 NOT FOUND]>

In the two above examples for protecting views, you will notice that in one we return an HTTP 403 Forbidden error, and in the other we return a HTTP 404 Not Found error.

In views, you should always make a conscious decision if you should return 401/403 or 404 errors as it has important security considerations.

  • 403/401 errors exposes existence of an object under a given URL. Hence, by using 401/403 errors, the system is “leaking” knowledge that certain objects exists in the system. Hence, only use 401/403 errors when this behavior is desired. In all other cases use 404 errors.
  • 404 errors does not leak any additional information and should be the default error used when a permission check fails.


Invenio-Access provides a way to grant superuser privileges to users or roles via a superuser action. Granting superuser access to a user implicitly gives that user access to any action in the system without explicitly having to grant the action.

For instance, currently Bob does not have permissions on our view_index_action:

>>> permission = Permission(view_index_action)
>>> permission.allows(bob_identity)

We can however grant Bob superuser access like this:

>>> from invenio_access.permissions import superuser_access
>>> db.session.add(ActionUsers.allow(superuser_access, user=bob))
>>> db.session.commit()

Now, Bob will have access to the view_index_action even though we did not explicitly grant Bob access:

>>> permission.allows(bob_identity)

System roles

Invenio-Access, in addition to roles defined by the administrator, provides also system roles. System roles are defined by the system and automatically assigned to users.

By default the following system roles exists:

  • Any user (guests and autenticated users)
  • Authenticated user

System roles works very much like normal roles, so you can e.g. assign actions to them:

>>> from invenio_access import ActionSystemRoles, any_user
>>> db.session.add(ActionSystemRoles.allow(
...     view_index_action, role=any_user))

In order to test system roles from the shell, we have to manually add the need into the identity.

>>> anonymous.provides.add(any_user)

Now we can check the permission:

>>> permission = Permission(view_index_action)
>>> permission.allows(anonymous)

Creating system roles

Invenio modules may provide additional system roles. You could, for instance create a system role that could be used to grant permissions based on IP address.

First the module should define the system role:

>>> from invenio_access import SystemRoleNeed
>>> campus_user = SystemRoleNeed('campus_user')

Next, connect a receiver to the identity_loaded signal and add the system role need to the identity:

>>> from flask import request
>>> from flask_principal import identity_loaded
>>> @identity_loaded.connect_via(app)
... def on_identity_loaded(sender, identity):
...     if request.remote_addr.startswith('192.168.'):
...         identity.provides.add(campus_user)

Last, you need to register the system role in the Invenio module’s entry points in

    'invenio_access.system_roles': [
        ' = mymodule.permissions:campus_user',

Registering actions

All actions that a package provides should be registered in the invenio_access.actions entry points. This ensures the actions are e.g. available in the adminstration interface and via the CLI.

Below is an example for of the entry point part of the

    'invenio_access.actions': [
        # Action with parameter
        ' = mymodule.permissions:object_read_action_all',
        # Action without parameter
        ' = mymodule.permissions:view_index_action',

Note that for action with parameters you need point to the import path of the action representing any parameters.

Listing actions

In order to discover which actions are available in a given installation, one can retrieve them via:

>>> sorted(app.extensions['invenio-access'].actions.keys())
['admin-access', 'superuser-access']