Source code for invenio_access.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Invenio.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2018 CERN.
# Invenio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for more details.

"""Command line interface for Invenio-Access."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from functools import wraps

import click
from flask import current_app
from flask.cli import with_appcontext
from invenio_accounts.models import Role, User
from invenio_db import db
from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy

from .models import ActionRoles, ActionUsers

_current_actions = LocalProxy(
    lambda: current_app.extensions['invenio-access'].actions
"""Helper proxy to registered actions."""

[docs]def lazy_result(f): """Decorate function to return LazyProxy.""" @wraps(f) def decorated(ctx, param, value): return LocalProxy(lambda: f(ctx, param, value)) return decorated
[docs]@lazy_result def process_action(ctx, param, value): """Return an action if exists.""" actions = current_app.extensions['invenio-access'].actions if value not in actions: raise click.BadParameter('Action "%s" is not registered.', value) return actions[value]
[docs]@lazy_result def process_email(ctx, param, value): """Return an user if it exists.""" user = User.query.filter( == value).first() if not user: raise click.BadParameter('User with email \'%s\' not found.', value) return user
[docs]@lazy_result def process_role(ctx, param, value): """Return a role if it exists.""" role = Role.query.filter( == value).first() if not role: raise click.BadParameter('Role with name \'%s\' not found.', value) return role
option_argument = click.option( '-a', '--argument', default=None, metavar='VALUE', help='Value for parameterized action.' ) option_email = click.option( '-e', '--email', multiple=True, default=[], metavar='EMAIL', help='User email address(es).' ) option_role = click.option( '-r', '--role', multiple=True, default=[], metavar='ROLE', help='Role name(s).' ) argument_action = click.argument( 'action', callback=process_action, nargs=1, required=True, metavar='ACTION' ) argument_user = click.argument( 'user', callback=process_email, nargs=1, required=True, metavar='EMAIL' ) argument_role = click.argument( 'role', callback=process_role, nargs=1, required=True, metavar='ROLE' ) # # Access commands # def access(): """Account commands.""" # # Allow Action #'allow', chain=True) @argument_action @option_argument def allow_action(action, argument): """Allow action.""" @allow_action.command('user') @argument_user def allow_user(user): """Allow a user identified by an email address.""" def processor(action, argument): db.session.add( ActionUsers.allow(action, argument=argument, ) return processor @allow_action.command('role') @argument_role def allow_role(role): """Allow a role identified by an email address.""" def processor(action, argument): db.session.add( ActionRoles.allow(action, argument=argument, ) return processor
[docs]@allow_action.resultcallback() @with_appcontext def process_allow_action(processors, action, argument): """Process allow action.""" for processor in processors: processor(action, argument) db.session.commit()
# # Deny Action #'deny', chain=True) @argument_action @option_argument def deny_action(action, argument): """Deny actions.""" @deny_action.command('user') @argument_user def deny_user(user): """Deny a user identified by an email address.""" def processor(action, argument): db.session.add( ActionUsers.deny(action, argument=argument, ) return processor @deny_action.command('role') @argument_role def deny_role(role): """Deny a role identified by an email address.""" def processor(action, argument): db.session.add( ActionRoles.deny(action, argument=argument, ) return processor
[docs]@deny_action.resultcallback() @with_appcontext def process_deny_action(processors, action, argument): """Process deny action.""" for processor in processors: processor(action, argument) db.session.commit()
# # Remove Action #'remove', chain=True) @argument_action @option_argument def remove_action(action, argument): """Remove existing action authorization. It is possible to specify multiple emails and/or roles that should be unassigned from the given action. """ @remove_action.command('global') def remove_global(): """Remove global action rule.""" def processor(action, argument): ActionUsers.query_by_action(action, argument=argument).filter( ActionUsers.user_id.is_(None) ).delete(synchronize_session=False) return processor @remove_action.command('user') @argument_user def remove_user(user): """Remove a action for a user.""" def processor(action, argument): ActionUsers.query_by_action(action, argument=argument).filter( ActionUsers.user_id == ).delete(synchronize_session=False) return processor @remove_action.command('role') @argument_role def remove_role(role): """Remove a action for a role.""" def processor(action, argument): ActionRoles.query_by_action(action, argument=argument).filter( ActionRoles.role_id == ).delete(synchronize_session=False) return processor
[docs]@remove_action.resultcallback() @with_appcontext def process_remove_action(processors, action, argument): """Process action removals.""" for processor in processors: processor(action, argument) db.session.commit()
@access.command(name='list') @with_appcontext def list_actions(): """List all registered actions.""" for name, action in _current_actions.items(): click.echo('{0}:{1}'.format( name, '*' if hasattr(action, 'argument') else '' )) @access.command(name='show') @option_email @option_role @with_appcontext def show_actions(email, role): """Show all assigned actions.""" if email: actions = ActionUsers.query.join(ActionUsers.user).filter( ).all() for action in actions: click.secho('user:{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}'.format(, action.action, '' if action.argument is None else action.argument, 'deny' if action.exclude else 'allow', ), fg='red' if action.exclude else 'green') if role: actions = ActionRoles.query.filter( ).join(ActionRoles.role).all() for action in actions: click.secho('role:{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}'.format(, action.action, '' if action.argument is None else action.argument, 'deny' if action.exclude else 'allow', ), fg='red' if action.exclude else 'green')